▶️上級Skit: Expressing Regret(English Singsing) 日本語訳
Expressing Regret 日本語訳
Roy: What? Is that broken?
What? 壊れちゃったの?
John: Yeah, a wheel fell out.
Roy: Oh, no, you can’t ride it then?
John: No, I don’t think so. This skateboard was my favorite!
Roy: Why don’t you take it to a repair shop? I think they will repair it for you.
リペアショップに持って行ったら? 直してくれると思うよ。
John: Well, I wish they will be able to fix it.
Roy, you don’t look too happy. What’s wrong?
Roy, あんまり元気そうじゃないね。どうしたの?
Roy: I messed up on my exam. Why did I take a test without any preparation?
John: What? The genius boy Roy ruined an exam?
What! 天才Royがテストで失敗?
Roy: Yes… I got two questions wrong. I think I should be well prepared next time.
そうなんだ。2問 間違っちゃった。次はちゃんと準備しないとだなー
Roy&John: (Sigh..) (ため息)
John: Hey Kevin, what happened to you? You look really angry.
Kevin, なんかあったの?すんごい怒ってるみたいだけど。
Kevin: My naughty sister broke my cell phone screen. Look at this!
John: Wow, it’s completely cracked !
Roy: Your sister? Mary? She looked very quiet the last time I saw her.
君の妹?Mary? この間会ったとき、あの子すんごい静かなイメージだったけど。
Kevin: You don’t know what you are talking about. She is such a troublemaker. I will do something about Mary!
Roy: Give your phone to a service center. They will repair it quickly.
サービスセンターに預けたら? すぐに直してくれるよ。
Kevin: I just came back from there, but it was closed down.
John: What? Today is a weekday!
Kevin: They were under construction. Oh, my goodness! Nothing is working out today!
John: Oh, no… It’s one of your bad days too. I’m so sorry.
Kevin: Oh, no! It’s raining!
Oh, no!雨降ってきたし!
Roy: Oh, no! We are soaking wet! Let’s quickly get inside.
Oh,no! ぼくたちずぶ濡れじゃん! 早く中に入ろう。
John: What a horrible day for all of us!
(直訳:なんてひどい= horirble な日なんだ! all of us=僕たちみんな)