What’s Your Favorite Animals? 😺🐰
K1:Don’t you feel that there are so many different kinds of cute animals at the pet shop recently?
K) 最近ペットショップに行くと、かわいい動物がたくさんいるよね。
R1:Yeah, right. What animal do you like?
R) そうだよね〜。なんの動物が好きなの?
K2:I like cats the best. Their toe beans are so squishy and soothing.
R2:Yeah, they’re super cute.
I like rabbits the best. I love how they hop around.
R)だよね〜❤️ 私はうさぎが一番すきだな〜。ぴょんぴょん跳ねてる姿がたまらない❤️
K3 : Have you ever thought of getting a pet?
R3 : No, never. Actually I don’t like animals very much.
K4 : Oh, yeah? Well, you know what? I can’t touch animals.
R4: What? You were just talking about how much you love cats’ toe beans.
R: おいおい。ついさっき肉球がたまらんみたいな話してたじゃん。
K5: I know. But toe beans are a different story. I’m scared of “animals”
Animals not their toe beans.
R5: I know what you mean. Animals ARE cute. We both know that.
R)わかるな。 かわいいんだけどね💦 わかってるんだけどね。
K6: But we don’t like them. Well, We can’t help it, you know?