
“Little Devil” (EED Monologue)

“Little Devil”

First Place Winner!
By: Olivia C., Age 14, Washington State, USA
Description: A parent gives the babysitter the low down on their child who is literally, a “little devil.”
Genre: Comedic


Audio Sample


Oh, thank goodness you’re here!

We were beginning to worry that you wouldn’t come back after the last time you babysat Nathan.

Come on in.

We’re so glad that you are here because for some reason the last babysitter just…disappeared.

And since then, no one will babysit our precious little angel.

Alright, so in case you don’t remember where everything is, let me give you the low down again.

TV remotes are in the cupboard under the TV.

Baseball bat in the hall closet in case you encounter any intruders.

Oh, and in the event that he gets a little too energetic at bedtime, ▶️sedatives are in the drawer by the sink.

Umm Anyway, I think that’s it.

Please help yourself to anything in the fridge.

And no matter what, do not under any circumstances go near the basement.

No matter what sounds you may hear, don’t touch the basement door.

Nathan does have a few ”pets” down there, so he can go down and feed them.

But when he does, you just stay in the living room.

We are trying to teach him to be independent.

Oh, and please no girls over, or boys for that matter.

I don’t discriminate but please no… uhh, let’s just say no people.

And please do not feed him anything from the list of items on the fridge.

I think you are well aware of what happens when you feed him things that you shouldn’t.

Sorry again about your arm and leg… Anyway!

I believe that’s it.

Have a great time.

We will be at the “Thai Tanic.” That’s Thai like Thai food, if you need us.

Oh and please don’t need us.

We really need some time away from Nathan.

Okay, thanks again.

Bye Nathan. Love you!

Don’t forget to feed your pets in the basement.

Okay, love you!







Vocabulary and Phrases Summary:

  1. Thank goodness you’re here!
    • Expressing relief. Useful in conversations showing gratitude or stress relief.
  2. The last babysitter just…disappeared.
    • Adds suspense or humor.
  3. Let me give you the low down.
    • Informal way of saying “explain the details.”
  4. In case you encounter any intruders.
    • A dramatic, slightly exaggerated scenario.
  5. Do not under any circumstances go near the basement.
    • Strong emphasis with “under any circumstances.”
  6. Nathan does have a few ‘pets’ down there.
    • Mysterious and ominous tone.
  7. We are trying to teach him to be independent.
    • Common phrase for parenting, with humorous irony in this context.
  8. No girls over, or boys for that matter.
    • Casual way to set boundaries.
  9. Have a great time.
    • Friendly and polite farewell.
  10. We really need some time away from Nathan.
    • Adds humor by showing the parents’ desperation.