
“All Because of an A-“(EED Monologue)

“All Because of an A-“

Third Place Winner!
By: Kylie Frankel, Age 11, Florida, USA
Description: A girl is excited to share her most recent test score with her mom and gets an unexpected response.
Genre: Dramatic


Sample Audio


Mom! Guess what?!

I got an A- on my math test!

I told you all that studying would pay off!!! (beat) 

I thought you’d be happy for me.

Isn’t an A- a good grade? (beat) 

But it’s still an A, right?(beat) 

Mom, are you serious?!

It’s my BEST friend’s party!!!

I’ve been waiting for this for months on end.

I used all of my allowance to buy her a gift and now you won’t let me go? (beat) 

It was HALF a point off!!!

A 94.5 is BASICALLY a 95!

Why can’t I go?

I studied for two hours straight every day for three days /without you even telling me to! (beat)

 Well, no…but why? (beat) 

Mom, please- I tried my best. (beat)  

Fine. I’ll call her and tell her that I can’t go because I have a MOTHER who doesn’t let me do ANYTHING. (beat) 

Mom, please. She’s my only friend.

I don’t want to lose her.